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In the Press

Something of a renaissance woman, Jacqui Coombes has applied her mathematical and organisational development skills broadly across in the industry.”

 Monika Sarder, AusIMM Bulletin, Jul/Aug 2005 edition

Jacqui has a rare talent for engaging with people across all levels of an organisation. She is a clear communicator with great depth of understanding across many fields … Her approach enables people’s capabilities by guiding each person and enhancing their self-confidence in their own learning abilities. Above all she inspires and motivates others.”

 Alison Keogh, 2010, LinkedIn Recommendation)

Jacqui is a gifted individual. Jacqui is technically excellent and is able to communicate her wisdom in a relaxed and friendly manner (which makes her a fantastic mentor). Jacqui, I dare say, has had a significant impact on our mature minerals industry by reducing uncertainty, advancing our collective knowledge and hence minimising risk/cost.”

Jonathan Bell, 2007,

LinkedIn Recommendation



For over 30 years, Jacqui has guided Resource Geologists, Mining Engineers, and Operational Managers around the globe on topics associated with Public Reporting, Competent Persons development, and technical processes in Mineral Resource Estimation.

Jacqui wrote two books to support the people and teams with whom she worked so that Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) would be more accessible to all.  

Jacqui also completed a PhD where she explored the professional development and reasoning required to help the industry develop genuine Competent Persons in MRE.

In The Press
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